Silicon Labs
EFR32FG28 - Sub-GHz + Bluetooth LE SoCs
理想的雙頻 Sub-GHz + 2.4 GHz 藍牙 LE SoC 解決方案,適用於智慧家庭、安全、照明、建築自動化和計量等物聯網應用。

EFR32FG28 SoC 是一款理想的雙頻段 Sub-GHz + 2.4 GHz 藍牙 LE SoC 解決方案,適用於智慧家庭、安全、照明、建築自動化和計量等物聯網應用。 此雙頻解決方案結合了可提供長距離功能的高效能 Sub-GHz 無線電和可提高設計靈活性的藍牙無線電。 大記憶體佔用空間和增加的 IO 數量可實現設計整合,而 Secure Vault™ 可讓您靈活選擇滿足產品需求的安全等級。應用範圍
- 電錶
- 家庭和建築自動化與安全
- 工業自動化
- 街道照明
- 32 位元 ARM® Cortex®-M33 核心,最大工作頻率為 78 MHz
- 1024 kB 快閃記憶體和高達 256 kB RAM
- 具有低活動和睡眠電流的節能無線電核心
- 整合式 PA,subGHz 發射功率高達 20 dBm,BLE 發射功率高達 10 dBm
- 強大的周邊和多達 49 個 GPIO
- QFN48 和 QFN68 封裝選項
EFR32FG28 一般規格
Low Power Wireless System-on-Chip- High Performance 32-bit 78 MHz ARM Cortex®-M33 with DSP instruction and floating-point unit for efficient signal processing
- Up to 1024 kB flash program memory
- Up to 256 kB RAM data memory
- Sub-GHz radio operation with TX power up to +20 dBm
- 2.4 GHz BLE radio operation with TX power up to +10 dBm
- Matrix Vector Processor for AI/ML acceleration
Low Energy Consumption
- 4.4 mA RX current at 920 MHz (400 kbps 4-FSK)
- 4.0 mA RX current at 915 MHz (4.8 kbps O-QPSK)
- 5.4 mA RX current at 915 MHz (2 Mbps GFSK)
- 3.9 mA RX current at 868 MHz (2.4 kbps GFSK)
- 3.9 mA RX current at 868 MHz (38.4 kbps FSK)
- 4.2 mA RX current at 433 MHz (100 kbps 2GFSK)
- 5.2 mA RX current at 2.4 GHz, 1 Mbps BLE
- 25.7 mA TX current @ 14 dBm output power at 915 MHz (14 dBm part number)
- 81.8 mA TX current @ 20 dBm output power at 915 MHz with (20 dBm part number)
- 12.3 mA TX current @ 0 dBm output power, 2.4 GHz
- 23.2 mA TX current @ 10 dBm output power, 2.4 GHz
- 33 μA/MHz in Active Mode (EM0) at 39.0 MHz
- 2.8 μA EM2 DeepSleep current (256 kB RAM retention and RTC running from LFXO)
- 1.3 μA EM2 DeepSleep current (16 kB RAM retention and RTC running from LFRCO)
- Preamble Sense Mode (PSM) low duty-cycle listen
High Receiver Performance
- -98.1 dBm sensitivity @ 400 kbps 920 MHz 4-GFSK
- -124.8 dBm sensitivity @ 4.8 kbps 915 MHz O-QPSK
- -96.0 dBm sensitivity @ 2 Mbps 915 MHz GFSK
- -124.1 dBm sensitivity @ 2.4 kbps 868 MHz GFSK
- -110.4 dBm sensitivity @ 38.4 kbps 868 MHz FSK
- -110.6 dBm sensitivity @ 100 kbps 433 MHz 2GFSK
Wide Selection of MCU peripherals
- Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
- 12-bit @ 1 Msps
- 16-bit @ 76.9 ksps
- 2 × Analog Comparator (ACMP)
- 2-Channel Digital to Analog Converter (VDAC)
- Low-Energy Sensor Interface (LESENSE)
- Up to 49 General Purpose I/O pins with output state retention and asynchronous interrupts
- 8 Channel DMA Controller
- 12 Channel Peripheral Reflex System (PRS)
- 4 × 16-bit Timer/Counter with 3 Compare/Capture/PWM channels
- 1 × 32-bit Timer/Counter with 3 Compare/Capture/PWM channels
- 32-bit Real Time Counter
- 24-bit Low Energy Timer for waveform generation
- 16-bit Pulse Counter with asynchronous operation (PCNT) Newer Addition
- 2 × Watchdog Timer
- 3 × Enhanced Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (EUSART)
- 1 x Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART/SPI/SmartCard (ISO 7816)/IrDA/I2S)
- 2 x I2C interface with SMBus support
- Integrated Low-Energy LCD Controller supporting up to 192 segments
- Keypad scanner supporting up to 6 x 8 matrix (KEYSCAN)
- Die temperature sensor with ± 2 °C accuracy across temperature range
Supported Modulation Format
- 2/4 (G)FSK with fully configurable shaping
- (G)MSK
Protocol Support
- Proprietary
- Amazon Sidewalk
- Wi-SUN
- Bluetooth Low Energy
Wide Operating Range
- 1.71 to 3.8 V single power supply
- -40 °C to +125 °C
- QFN68 8 mm x 8 mm x 0.85 mm
- QFN48 6 mm x 6 mm x 0.85 mm
Secure Vault
- Hardware Cryptographic Acceleration for AES128/192/256, ChaCha20-Poly1305, SHA-1, SHA-2/256/384/512, ECDSA, +ECDH (P-192, P-256, P-384, P-521), Ed25519 and Curve25519, J-PAKE, PBKDF2
- True Random Number Generator (TRNG)
- ARM® TrustZone®
- Secure Boot with Root of Trust and Secure Loader (RTSL)
- Secure Debug Unlock
- DPA Countermeasures
- Secure Key Management with PUF
- Anti-Tamper
- Secure Attestation
*Silicon Labs Authorized Distributor