EDOM, your trusted partner, is committed to providing the best-in-class service, state-of-the-art technology and creating great value to our customers and principals.

A Complete Industrial Supply Chain from IC Design, Fabrication to Systematic Manufacturing
  • icon_trend

    Trend Prediction

    Precise prediction
    Early Involvement
    Cross-industry opportunities awareness
  • icon_dedicated

    Dedicated Team

    Dedicated team to drive business (by application / vendor)
    Rapid response and highly efficient customer service
    Experts at demand creation
    Obtained ISO 9001:2015
  • icon_technical

    Technical Support

    Total 160+ Engineers
    FAE Support - New Hires
    60% professional SW engineers
    40% professional HW engineers
  • icon_platform

    Platform Leverage

    Mobile Phone / Tablet
    Smart Home /Automation
    Automotive / Industrial
    Cloud / Networking
    More Emerging Applications
    ( AR/VR, AI, Machine Learning, FinTech, etc)
  • Jul,
  • Oct,
    Public Listing
  • US$
    B /CY2023
  • 31
    Sales Offices
  • 800
  • TSE
    Stock Symbol

EDOM Features

  • icon_search

    Transparent Finance

  • icon_technical-support

    Excellent Technical Support

  • icon_microscope

    Continuous Investment in Laboratory

  • icon_delivery-truck

    Integrated Logistics Support

  • icon_stats

    Professional Marketing Support

  • icon_customer-service

    Broad and Solid Customer Relationship

EDOM’s Advantages

EDOM’s well-received operation performance comes from our focus on our promises to clients and consolidation with realistic and prudent strategies. In order to assist IC components vendors to hit the market, EDOM Technology deals with key ICs and integrated components sales and services through our well-established logistics system, and provides customers in-depth and real-time technical support. In addition, EDOM has close ties with IC production chain and OEM/ODM manufacturers. On top of everything, our finance management and marketing competency ensure that we can bring our clients the best added value and satisfactory results.

In terms of core competency, outstanding human resource is EDOM’s best assurance to our clients. We have experts from various industries and fields, who are capable of meeting specific requirements of different projects with high efficiency and best quality results. Because we house experts from various industries, we can respond to the ever-changing market trends and industrial requirements and allocate most suitable human resource in the most effective and flexible way. Most of all, EDOM have an experienced and professional FAE team, who can provide clients with comprehensive and in-depth technical support to ensure you a timely schedule of product launch.
EDOM's competitive advantages include:
  • Providing platform turn-key solutions for mainstream and potential market.

  • Having abundant experience and competency in design-in backed up by an outstanding technical team comprised of engineers of various expertise.

  • Having close ties with major manufacturers in Asia.

  • Enjoying plenty experience in components business and management.

  • Having established a highly efficient logistics system.

  • Having aggressive and effective marketing operation to ensure distributed products having high exposure in Asia.

EDOM's Mission

Our mission is to bridge the gap between vendors, customers and partners in order to ensure the success of all parties, and to enable the delivery of the world's most innovative products.

  • 提供客戶傑出的售前技術支援和售後服務
    • Support our customers with exceptional pre-sales technical support and post-sales operational excellence
  • 為原廠開創市場、創造需求並擔任高效物流服務的供應商
    • Support our vendors by enabling markets, creating demand and being a highly efficient fulfillment provider
  • 成為我們的原廠、客戶、合作夥伴團隊的延伸,促進其事務之推動
    • Work as an extension of our vendor, customer and partner teams to facilitate all their activities
  • 行為正直,專注於我們的獨特價值,凡事有效溝通
    • Act with integrity, focus on our unique value, and communicate effectively in all our activities
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